Everdell: Complete Collection

299,00 €
inkl. MwSt.


Dive tailfirst into the world of Everdell with the Complete Collection.

Build a city of critters and constructions and explore the Emerald Valley and beyond; celebrate the Bellfaire, wonder at Newleaf’s mechanical marvels, trek into the Spirecrest Mountains, explore the underwater depths of Pearlbrook, and chance the dangers of Mistwood.

Play against automated opponents including the dastardly Rugwort and cunning Nightweave, meet heroes of renown in our Legends II and Corrin Evertail expansion packs, and find abundance in new farms in our Through Every Season expansion pack. Everdell is easy to learn, yet offers satisfying strategic depth and endless replayability.

Zusätzliche Produktinformationen

1 bis 6
Ungefähre Spieldauer
40 bis 120 Minuten
Altersempfehlung ab
10 Jahren
Achtung! Für Kinder unter 3 Jahren nicht geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr, da kleine Teile verschluckt oder eingeatmet werden können.